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  • What’s the Deal with Fat-Free Greek Yogurt?

    What’s the Deal with Fat-Free Greek Yogurt?

    Records of Greek yogurt date all the way back to the 5th century BC. Greek yogurt is strained to remove whey, which makes it thicker and creamier than standard yogurt. It can be enjoyed on it’s own, with fruit added, as a base for sauces (eg. tzatziki sauce), or as an ingredient in a sweet…

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  • The Ketogenic Diet: Medical, Fitness, and Fad

    The Ketogenic Diet: Medical, Fitness, and Fad

    The ketogenic diet has made it to the mainstream. Every time you’re in the checkout lane at the grocery store you’ll see a magazine, and often multiple magazines, with “keto” printed on the cover. Just another crazy “fad” diet, right? Well yes and no. Below I’ve broken down keto into three main categories. Medical Keto…

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